При изучении английского языка вы заметите, что иногда употребляется форма I have, иногда I have got. В 99% случаев эти формы будут взаимно заменяемые и вы не совершите грамматическую ошибку выбрав одну или другую.
Have / have got – утверждение
I have We have You have They have | I have got We have got You have got They have got | I’ve got We’ve got You’ve got They’ve got |
He has She has It has | He has got She has got It has got | He’s got She’s got It’s got |
- I have green eyes. / I’ve got green eyes. – У меня зеленые глаза.
- Chris has four brothers. / Chris has got four brothers. – У криса четыре брата.
- Our car has two doors. / Our car has got two doors. – У нашей машины две двери.
- Dasha has a headache. / Dasha has got a headache. – У Даши головная боль.
Don’t have / haven’t got – отрицание
Для построения отрицания мы будем использовать в первом случае (have) do/does + not, во втором (have got) только частицу not.
I don’t have We don’t have You don’t have They don’t have | I haven’t got We haven’t got You haven’t got They haven’t got |
He doesn’t have She doesn’t have It doesn’t have | He hasn’t got She hasn’t got It hasn’t got |
- I don’t have a car. / I haven’t got a car. – У меня нет машины.
- They don’t have any children. / They haven’t got any children. – У них нет детей.
- Emma doesn’t have a job at the moment. / Emma hasn’t got a job at the moment. – В данный момент у Эммы нет работы.
Do you have? / Have you got? – вопрос
Do I have? Do we have? Do you have? Do they have? | Have I got? Have we got? Have you got? Have they got? |
Does he have? Does she have? Does it have? | Has he got? Has she got? Has it got? |
В зависимости от формы вопроса будет изменятся краткий ответ.
- Do you have a laptop? No, I don’t.
- Have you got a laptop? No, I haven’t.
- У тебя есть ноутбук? Нет.
- Does Diana have a car? Yes, she does.
- Has Diana got a car? Yes, she has.
- У Дианы есть машина? Да.
- What kind of car does she have?
- What kind of car has she got?
- Какая у нее машина?