For; Since – упражнение 14.06.202025.02.2021 Дмитрий МедведевТесты For; Since – упражнение Тест – упражнение по английскому языка на тему: for, since. Only one option is right. Emma has been in Ireland ... Tuesday. for since Emma has been in Ireland ... four days. for since My aunt has lived in France ... 20 years. for since Diana is in her office. She has been there ... 8 o'clock. for since India has been an independent country ... 1947. for since The bus is late. We've been waiting ... 30 minutes. for since Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty ... many years. for since Peter has been ill ... a long time. He has been in hospital ... September. for; for for; since since; for since; since Готов к отправке ГрамматикаИдиомыСловарный запас